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User is offline Dec 24 2008 08:42 AM

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through the 70some reasons i hate episodes 1-6 or whatever
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: A Peoples' History of the Forums

    Posted 24 Dec 2008

    Hey what happened to that robot kid – I can’t remember his name. I tried looking for him, but it looks like he’s been deleted or something, along with all of the threads he started. You know, that one kid who refused to tell anyone where he was from and mostly spoke in binary. mellow.gif
  2. In Topic: Batman:Eddie Murphy - The Riddler?

    Posted 19 Dec 2008

    QUOTE (Heccubus @ Dec 18 2008, 02:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    If this had been reported in a magazine or newspaper with an actual reputation, I could understand people accidentally believing it. But it wasn't. It was reported in The Sun. This has already been ousted as a completely false rumour.
    The other red flag here: Christopher Nolan has specifically stated that he has no plans of introducing Robin in this franchise. Beyond that, I'm sure the man has enough brains not to let any of the vacuous, talentless shills mentioned in this article become a part of what is shaping up to be the only consistently good live-action Batman franchise in the history of the character.

    Ok, it was like... 530 in the morning when I read it - cut me some slack. I for real had just stumbled out of bed - no coffe - no clothes - no nothing. And I had a very high fever. sick.gif

    I just found out it none of it was true, so I can go back to puking my guts out without the added stress of a shitty movie looming over me. thumbsup.gif
  3. In Topic: The Dark Knight

    Posted 21 Sep 2008

    I always liked Batman Returns. I’ll still watch it if it comes on. It does have a surreal sort of charm to it, and I dig watching Michelle Pfeiffer jump around in poorly hewn black latex body suit. It’s good stuff, I’ll admit – but for me at least, Nolan’s world seems much more realistic, and I find myself relating to the characters and the events therein, much more readily.
  4. In Topic: US Elections

    Posted 20 Sep 2008

    I like her... but I'm evil, so my opinion shouldn't count.
  5. In Topic: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    Posted 20 Sep 2008

    I predict this movie is going to suck ass! Just like the last two, though I will probably still watch it when it comes out on HBO. While I loathe the HP series, I remain always, an Alan Rickman fan. I’d watch anything with him in it at least once. Then I’d watch it again, but fast forward through the parts he’s not in. Incidentally, I do own all of the HP movies… I’m just throwing that out there.

My Information

Member Title:
Queen of the Harpies
43 years old
December 18, 1980
the land of Huskies
Defending the forces of evil from the whiney forces of good; spreading awareness about violence and its ability to solve all problems - from the very smallest to the very stupid…est…; sticking up for the little guy, as long as the little guy shares my point of view or is willing to convert in exchange for some ‘sticking up for’; and of course, plotting world domination and putting and end to reality tv once and for all. <br /><br />Oh, and beautiful women.

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