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Searching around for Star Wars humour on, I came across Chefelf's 'Reasons to Hate' lists. The rest is history...
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    23 Feb 2008 - 13:52
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  1. In Topic: EU assumptions

    Posted 11 Oct 2008

    QUOTE (Chefelf @ Sep 18 2008, 03:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    I read the article about Leland Chee in the latest Wired. While I think it is necessary for a universe as huge as Star Wars to have such a database to keep aspects consistent and certain continuities intact, it does go too far in some respects (e.g. explaining how lightsabers work). Dorks everywhere will always postulate on how they work. Just let them have their fun.

    Lightsabers are not possible. I feel comfortable saying I will never see a functional lightsaber in my lifetime. That's fine. Just have them there. If you try to explain how it works with made up science it will look like crappy made up science and completely kill all the fun.

    This is precisely why I hate fanwank so much. Not only is it almost never convincing, but every attempt to explain away these unrealistic elements just ends up raising a dozen more questions. I would never have worried about stuff like (for example) the PT technology being so much more advanced than the OT, if it weren't for the legions of over-zealous fans coming up with bullshit 'explanations' for it. I'd honestly have a whole lot more respect for Lucas if he would just say, "Look, the new films were made in the 90s as opposed to the 70s, so of course they're going to look more advanced. Suck it up."
  2. In Topic: Bombs in the head

    Posted 11 Oct 2008

    QUOTE (Mr Pye @ Oct 8 2008, 05:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    Anyway, about TPM. I don't know what Lucas actually had in mind when introducing the concept of slaves. If it was about people toiling and sweating under force, or if it was about people owning each other as commodities. Neither side of the concept really seemed expanded upon, which makes me suspect that 'slaves' was just something that Lucas threw into his porridge along with some other terms that he thought might stir the imagination of children, such as queen (an elected one at that) and boss, and I think even angels were mentioned at one point.

    I agree with this. I think Lucas just believed that making Anakin and his mother slaves would automatically make the audience feel sorry for them, despite the fact that they live comfortably (as far as we can see) and don't appear to be badly treated. Anakin is well-fed, clothed, educated and apparently has plenty of free time to pursue hobbies and muck around with his friends, just like any normal kid. Okay, so he can't leave town without Watto's permission - is that really likely to be a big issue for a frickin' nine-year-old? Seems to me that he has a much easier and happier childhood than many kids in real life, despite being a slave.

    And yes, tracking devices to catch runaway slaves would make a lot more sense than blowing them up. Which is probably why Lucas didn't think of it.
  3. In Topic: A Star Wars song parody

    Posted 17 Mar 2008

    That's actually a pretty good idea, except that the original song is way too short to do it justice. Otherwise I'd probably have a go. tongue.gif
  4. In Topic: New Star Wars movies announced

    Posted 25 Feb 2008

    QUOTE (KurganX @ Feb 24 2008, 09:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
    - How about a complete reboot of the EU? Hire a team of competent writers (not like the Yahoos who are currently involved, and please, no drooling fanboy/girls) to get together, create a writers' bible based solidly on the movies and original concepts for the movies, and go from there. Don't feel obliged to bring up any of the stuff from the current EU (and in fact, discourage usage from it). Start over from scratch. Nothing sacred except the movies.

    I would actually support this, with one important exception: KotOR. I don't care what else they do, but KotOR has to be in there somewhere (and it fits in perfectly well with the original movies, so that wouldn't be a problem). The rest of the EU can go to hell for all I care (though I know Chefelf and some other people here think the Thrawn trilogy is pretty good).
  5. In Topic: New Star Wars movies announced

    Posted 22 Feb 2008

    On the plus side, at least we understand now why the PT-era Jedi are such terrible fighters. "Master, I got my robe caught in my zipper again." "Not now, Padawan, I'm in mortal combat with a dozen Separatist battle droids."

My Information

Member Title:
Basher Extraordinaire
40 years old
May 12, 1984
Current age: 22<br /><br />Current occupation: Auditor<br /><br />Interests: Reading, computer games, music, and Star Wars (obviously).<br /><br />Talents: Can't act, can't dance, can sing a little.<br /><br />Loves: Terry Pratchett's 'Discworld' series.<br /><br />Hates: Harry Potter. Surely I can't be the only one?

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