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Zin's Profile User Rating: -----

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FullyRamblomatic Forums (15 posts)
07-September 08
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User is offline Jul 01 2009 05:30 PM

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Severe lack of punctuation.

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: ZP - Sims 3

    Posted 1 Jul 2009

    That's a hideously complex question, really. "No" is close enough to the truth to not exactly be a lie, though.

    So no.
  2. In Topic: ZP - Sims 3

    Posted 1 Jul 2009

    Somebody's been having trouble with Women, apparently.

    Knowing the psychology of the average twenty-something male internet celebrity, I'm guessing Zero Punctuation will overflow with sunshine and rainbows as soon as the situation reverses itself. Or, at least, will be statistically less likely to feature a vagina dentata gag.
  3. In Topic: ZP - Infamous

    Posted 17 Jun 2009

    I once had a pet troll. Then it killed everybody I ever loved.
  4. In Topic: ZP - Infamous

    Posted 11 Jun 2009

    Ah yes, misspelling "metre". Possibly a much more grievous sin than misspelling "in".

    Snarkiness aside, it would be interesting to see a game forsake the traditional binary "good-evil" system in favour of a hideously complex beast based on actual Personality Psychology theories. I wonder what sort of special prize you'd get for finishing with full Neuroticism.
  5. In Topic: ZP - Bionic Commando

    Posted 3 Jun 2009

    But I like Pepsi! I must now take it upon myself to find the one can of Pepsi in the world that will convince Benjamin that not all Pepsi is bad. Hi-Ho!

    That said, it's somewhat refreshing to see a game that bounds the playing field with something other than invisible walls or conspicuous cliffs and pits, though a shame that they implemented it so Could've given you a Geiger counter that clicks in your face as you get close to the edge and goes absolutely mad right before you get all toasty. Something like that.

    Also, the conspicuous cutscene boss battle thing smacks of cut material. Somebody somewhere must not completely understand the concept of a deadline.

My Information

Member Title:
New Cop
34 years old
May 3, 1990
This field has an allowed length of 1000 characters. If I were a nasty person, I'd use that many, causing my posts to be awkwardly stretched. It's a good thing I'm not a nasty person like that, eh?

Contact Information

AIM  ZinggyGodofPepsi
Website URL:
Website URL  http://


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