Night Life: Helena - Viewing Profile

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Helena's Profile User Rating: -----

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Star Wars Fan Convention (1014 posts)
01-June 04
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Searching around for Star Wars humour on, I came across Chefelf's 'Reasons to Hate' lists. The rest is history...
United Kingdom

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    23 Feb 2008 - 13:52
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Topics I've Started

  1. A Star Wars song parody

    Posted 16 Mar 2008

    I just thought people here might like to see this little Star Wars filk I wrote, based on the song 'The Boxer' by Simon & Garfunkel. I've no idea why it occurred to me to write a song about Anakin Skywalker, given that I can't stand him in the films, but I guess this is how Lucas meant to have Anakin come across in the PT. You can see it at, here: http://www.fanfictio. ..081558/1/Anakin

    If you like it, you can find my other Star-Wars themed song parodies under my profile (though most of them are based on KotOR rather than the movies).
  2. WTF is up with all the video links?

    Posted 4 Mar 2008

    Seriously, why are there links to YouTube videos in between each post? It's really annoying.
  3. That ancient 'religion'

    Posted 19 Jan 2008

    Something that's occurred to me a few times in the past: Why do Star Wars characters describe the Force as a 'religion'? I mean, it demonstrably exists in their universe. It follows consistent, easily testable rules (the Prequels even tell us that it functions through some kind of micro-organisms in the blood!) As far as they're concerned it's scientific fact, not a religious belief. Sure, they may not understand exactly what it is or where it comes from, but that's true of a whole lot of things in real life (gravity, for example) and we don't regard them as articles of religious faith.

    Come to that, shouldn't a society as advanced as the Republic know everything there is to be known about the Force? You'd think that in 25,000 years, they'd have got a little further than "it's a mysterious energy field".

    Yeah, I guess I'm just overthinking things again... tongue.gif
  4. Pick-'n-mix canon

    Posted 11 Jan 2008

    Obviously most of us here would rather pretend the Prequels didn't exist, but with Star Wars 'canon' coming from so many different sources (movies, books, games...), most people have several sources they regard as authoritative and others which they prefer to ignore. I thought it would be interesting to compare our different views on what counts as canon (as opposed to the 'official' version defined by George Lucas).

    So what do you guys include in your own 'personal canon'? Personally I prefer to ignore everything apart from the OT and the first KotOR game (not the sequel), though obviously I acknowledge that all those other things are technically canon according to Lucas. Sadly.
  5. 'Star Wars fans hate Star Wars'

    Posted 8 Dec 2007

    Oh, so true. biggrin.gif

My Information

Member Title:
Basher Extraordinaire
40 years old
May 12, 1984
Current age: 22<br /><br />Current occupation: Auditor<br /><br />Interests: Reading, computer games, music, and Star Wars (obviously).<br /><br />Talents: Can't act, can't dance, can sing a little.<br /><br />Loves: Terry Pratchett's 'Discworld' series.<br /><br />Hates: Harry Potter. Surely I can't be the only one?

Contact Information

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Website URL  http://


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