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Mike Mac from NYU's Profile User Rating: -----

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User is offline May 05 2005 01:22 PM

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  1. In Topic: The Abyss

    Posted 30 Mar 2005

    Mike Mac from NYU, I challenge you to a gun fight in front of my house RIGHT NOW! You have to bring your own gun though, I only have one pellet gun.

    I'm sorry I'm too drunk off my stupid Scottish arse, at this moment. tongue.gif

    How about you meet me at my place in NYC and I hold the gun to my head, while you pull the trigger. : happy.gif

    I mean really though, comparing "the Abyss" to "The Terminator" should be punishable by death!!!! pirate.gif
  2. In Topic: Return of the Jedi

    Posted 29 Mar 2005

    And oh, yeah.

    ROTJ manages to continue with the great tradition of exciting well, thought out action and war sequences that were almost as well scripted as ballets. {that first got started in ESB} art that has practically died out judging by flm.

    Judge any of the action sequences in movies in the early 80s-mid 90s to any of the action movies now.
  3. In Topic: Return of the Jedi

    Posted 29 Mar 2005

    You know the funny thing is that recently I looked at Chef Elf's Reasons for Hating Return of the Jedi. And considered them.

    Then I watched ROTJ again, right after.

    And strangely enough...I've actually gained an even greater appreciation for that movie and realized that it has a lot of great gems of moviemaking are in that movie.

    Looking at the list that Chef Elf created there really are only three negatives points about ROTJ

    1. I can;t for the life of me figure out what exactly was Luke's plan was to rescue Han from Jabbas palace.

    2. The Tarzan yell

    3. The Sarlace Burp.

    Everything else is really a matter of taste, or your own temperment. The Ewoks are fine as cinematic characters in the story, it;s just a matter of whether you find them too cute for your tastes.

    Your appreciation of Darth Vader's fate is really based on whether on your personal beliefs find it proposterous or not.

    Your feelings on the "Jedi ghost" thing is really dependent if your going to be really anal about the whole thing and not appreciate the meaning behind the characters words or prescence.

    But I can say honestly about ROTJ has several gems to it

    1. It has the best visual feel of all the Star Wars films. Stunning in terms of costumes, scenery & overall feel.

    2. It has IMO, four of the most dramatic non-action sequences in the entire trilogy

    3. It's the best acted of the three films {a suprising quantum leap in Mark Hamill's acting chops's; incredible work by James Earl Jones, Frank Oz}

    4. The most genuinely funny scene in the entire trilogy is in this film.

    5. Has it;s own unique feel from the other two chapters which I thought was crucial

    6. Is a suprisingly very well put together film interms of scripting ,considering it is probably the hardest chapter of star Wars to write. It manages to hit on all the key plot lines set up in Star Wars: A New Hope, without short changing the dramatic scenes. In fact the scenes that are tersed is the final battle.

    7. Suprisingly more of a dramatic film than the other two films, in fact the best scenes and most memorable ones are it's dramatic scenes.

    -in nearly all the redux, I have seen of ROTJ and all of them would wind up either focusing on scenes for two long,wind up being nearly four hours long, require a series of two more movies or in short would wind up like complete messes like Attack of the Clones

    Just my humbel opinion.
  4. In Topic: At what exact moment

    Posted 29 Mar 2005

    Jeez, I come back to this forum, and this is the talk going around:

    -George Lucas is trying to convince us that the Nazi's should be forgiven???!!! huh.gif -

    Sometimes a sci-fi movie is just a sci-fi movie, guys!!! yell.gif

    What happened to all the witty reparte we used to have on this forum??
  5. In Topic: The Shield, Season 4

    Posted 29 Mar 2005

    If any of you ever get a chance, a show that is worth watching and getting on DVD is "THE WIRE" on HBO.

    It is the most realistic show about cops, the drug trade & corruption in Baltimore

    It will take about four or five episodes to get into the story, but it will be well worth it.

    It was made by the creator of Homicide: Life on the Streets.

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