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Radu094's Profile User Rating: -----

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Star Wars Fan Convention (91 posts)
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User is offline Dec 13 2014 08:12 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: A new new hope?

    Posted 12 Dec 2014

    Well, there is already a Special Edition of the trailer (in case you haven't seen it : h?v=v93Jh6JNBng ).
  2. In Topic: I need a name for my game

    Posted 18 Jul 2011

    I am planning on a economy being there.. otherwise what's the point? It will be something simpler at start, with populated planets creating demand while mining outposts and orbital facilities creating supply. So you would have the option running trading routes or producing the resources yourself and selling them for a profit.
    Also, I'm trying really hard to avoid comparison or parallels with existing space/trading sims... it helps keep everything pure and logic instead of copying existing game logic from others.

    How about just good names then?
  3. In Topic: Alien

    Posted 22 Apr 2011

    View Post Just your average movie goer, on 17 April 2011 - 12:30 PM, said:

    Actually, let’s take care of the Alien VS Predator concept right now before doing anything else. You see, the premise is rubbish from the outset.

    This gets even better when you realize the genealogy of it. You see, they released this game in 1999 featuring a space marine fighting an alien fighting a predator (The game was not utter crap to be honest). So the Alien vs Predator movie was actually a movie made from a game idea made from two movie franchises made from a horror book. Brilliant!
  4. In Topic: A Game of Thrones

    Posted 22 Apr 2011

    Yeah.. why is the second episode taking so long to air?
    And also: Is the series anything close to the book? is it better? should I get the book?
  5. In Topic: A humble submission, sequel trilogy

    Posted 11 Apr 2011

    View Post SmellyTerror, on 12 May 2006 - 05:58 AM, said:

    Oh, and my underlying philosophy here is that the movies, the 6 of them, are ABOUT Anakin Skywalker, his rise and fall. He's the only character who's alive in all the movies, with the possible exception of R2 and Threepio (though, frankly, I found the cramming of every possible reference from the originals into the new movies was downright twee. Even if they are in the new movies, they really could be seen as (largely passive) witnesses, sorta like the audience themselves, but on-screen).

    Even as early as 1986 I remember Lucas talking about this japanese saga/movie that was told not through the eyes of the main character, but through the eyes of it's servant, and how this inspired him to have R2 and 3PO as the storytellers in Star Wars. Of course, this was Lucas BS as always, but ever since that day I could not help it: everytime I watched the originals I always imagined this was a story that happened .. a long,long time ago, and it was told to us by (a very old )3PO and R2.

    I always hopped, up to the last moment, that the prequels will have this robotic-duo as the marginally involved characters who would witness the events leading Anakin to becoming Vader. I know it's a bit of a stretch to imagine R2 having known young Anakin, but still.
    (and don't get me started on having C3PO being built by Anakin .. OOMG!!)

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Mini Boss
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