Night Life: Flare - Viewing Profile

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Flare's Profile User Rating: -----

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Star Wars Fan Convention (6 posts)
24-May 05
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User is offline May 26 2005 02:19 PM

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Web search after seeing Episode III
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Topics I've Started

  1. The theory of relativity?

    Posted 24 May 2005

    Maybe this belongs out here, since it's not exactly a reason to hate Star Wars, but more a reason to slap Lucas upside the head.

    Here's a general observation about the entire series: Was Albert Einstein wrong? According to the theory of relativity, time moves slower as a body moves faster, to the point where time stops once light speed is reached. Hyperspace is faster than light ("She'll make point five past light speed," said Han in Episode IV) so shouldn't the relative time of people in hyperspace move backwards? Shouldn't they arrive at their destination younger than when they started?

    A friend of mine whose aunt works for LucasArts explained that Lucas' official explanation is something along the lines of "Since it takes place in a galaxy far, far away, the laws of physics from our galaxy don't all apply." What a cop-out explanation for failing to take that concept into consideration.
  2. Hypocritical Obi-Wan

    Posted 24 May 2005

    At a late point in the movie, after Anakin has turned to the dark side, Obi-Wan tries to bring him back. Anakin says "If you're not with me, you're against me" and Obi-Wan replies with something like "Only the Sith deal in absolutes." Is it just me, or does "Only the Sith deal in absolutes" sound like an absolute? Though the device shows that Obi-Wan realizes that there's no hope left for Anakin, there has to have been something he could have said that wouldn't sound so hypocritical.

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