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Star Wars Fan Convention (6 posts)
24-May 05
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User is offline May 26 2005 02:19 PM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: The theory of relativity?

    Posted 24 May 2005

    QUOTE (civilian_number_two @ May 24 2005, 04:34 PM)
    If faster-than-light travel is impossible, then interstellar commerce will be impossible.  This renders impossible the sort of sci-fi that w're used to, which basically takes Earth-bound concepts of travel, commerce and warfare and places them in space.

    Your complaint refers to a fiction accepted by pretty much all sci-fi authors and readers, and really can't be zeroed in on STAR WARS.

    Not necessarily. You may have seen Lost in Space, in which they had invented faster-than-light travel that worked basically on the concept of teleportation, but which needed a device (transported by conventional space travel) at each end to work. This concept could have been adapted into Star Wars.

    Of course, Lucas is bending and breaking enough laws of physics, so I suppose I can't focus too much on his unacceptance of the theory of relativity.
  2. In Topic: Hypocritical Obi-Wan

    Posted 24 May 2005

    QUOTE (Lord Melkor @ May 24 2005, 01:19 PM)
    You are overacting a bit, Obi-wan was in no mental condition to make good disputes.

    Maybe he meant that Jedi don`t divide people into good and evil, they are understanding, compassionate?

    Granted, but still something like "Those are the words of a Sith, not a Jedi" would have been a bit more appropriate. Obi-Wan's a powerful enough Jedi to have control of his word choice no matter what mental condition he's in, isn't he?
  3. In Topic: Jedi Corpses

    Posted 24 May 2005

    Off the top of my head, I'd say that a Jedi's body vanishes only when the Jedi died willingly. Obi-Wan raised his lightsaber to give Vader a clean shot so that Luke and Co. would be able to escape without worrying about him. Yoda knew that his time was up and that there was no point in fighting it, so he went willingly as well.

    Anakin/Vader, however, wanted his light-side life back, and although he knew that his death was imminent, he wanted to be able to make up with Luke and Leia. Then all the Jedi in Episodes I, II, and III died in combat, where they went out either fighting or being assassinated, therefore they were not ready and willing to go.
  4. In Topic: Reasons to Hate Star Wars

    Posted 24 May 2005

    Here's a general observation about the entire series: Was Albert Einstein wrong? According to the theory of relativity, time moves slower as a body moves faster, to the point where time stops once light speed is reached. Hyperspace is faster than light ("She'll make point five past light speed," said Han in Episode IV) so shouldn't the relative time of people in hyperspace move backwards? Shouldn't they arrive at their destination younger than when they started?

    A friend of mine whose aunt works for LucasArts explained that Lucas' official explanation is something along the lines of "Since it takes place in a galaxy far, far away, the laws of physics from our galaxy don't all apply." What a cop-out explanation for failing to take that concept into consideration.

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