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23-May 05
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User is offline Sep 19 2005 02:14 PM

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  1. In Topic: Christensen to quit?

    Posted 30 May 2005

    QUOTE (Casual Fan @ May 30 2005, 12:54 AM)
    Christiansen did a poor job in Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith, and this is a key if not the most important reason why these movies are so bad.  The stories in both movies are much more focused on his character than the stories in the OT were on Hamill's.

    It' s a safe bet he didn't just jump to the conclusion he hated movie making now. He probably realised it well into the filming of AoTC, but was latched to a contract and had no choice but to go on. I don't imagine it would be very easy to give a project your all when you despise everything about it. I'd blame at least half of his bad acting on a bad script, and the other half on him regretting becoming a media whore.

    I suppose he might have come to the conclusion that he was sick of the movie business if he had been in different, better projects, but I'd say being in the prequels is what really soured him.
  2. In Topic: ROTS stand alone?

    Posted 23 May 2005

    QUOTE (StarWarsIsUs @ May 23 2005, 12:40 PM)
    I didn't say only the dark side could naturally block. The lightside, if there are enough Jedi with intent to make an effort to cloud it, could make it cloud the darkside. I'm not saying it is necessarily natural. It can to do with balance.

    More Sith (or darkside users) = Stronger Light Side

    More Jedi = Stronger Dark Side

    Without the correct balance, it tips the scales, and makes it the opposite of what we would think it should be. The force apparently works that way. There was more Jedi during the PT than darksiders, so the scales went towards the darkside being stronger.

    That might make sense at face value, but if more Jedi meant a stronger Dark Side, why in the world would Yoda be training over a dozen kids to use the Force in AoTC? It's like loading a leaky canoe with heavy boxes. No one in their right mind would do that, and even if Yoda had his mind "clouded", he's old enough to know the basic workings of the Force. If few Jedi= strong Light Side, there'd only ever be about two Jedis at a time, because any more than that would just make the Dark Side stronger, defeating the purpose of having Jedis to begin with.

    The Dark Side being able to cloud the minds of Jedis seems to give the Dark Side a completely unfair and pointless advantage. Not pointless to them, of course, but pointless to the Jedi who have, as far as we know, no such power. The way I see it, the Dark Side and the Light Side are approximately equal, both with the potential to contain the same amount of energy. I can see scales tipping in one way or another to a degree, depending on who was on each side, but to tip to such a degree that Jedis are open books and hopelessly foolable and Sith lords can not be read by dozens of powerful Jedis living in close quarters? That's just nonsensical.

    I realise your argument was that the Light Side could do the same thing if the positions were reversed, but for the power of the few to be able to completely cloud and block the powers of the many seems to be a very stupid quality for the Force to have. It would be an encouragement to not even try hard to master the Force, because it's naturally going to screw you over if you get enough power or enough followers. You either have a couple Jedi against a massive army of Sith and are hopelessly outnumbered, or you have a lot of Jedi against a small number of Sith and your mind is clouded so you can't use the Force well. Obviously being in either position has its advantages (if you have few on your side the Force is tipped in your favour, and if you have many on your side you can make an attempt to overwhelm the minority), but that's just one thing that makes it even more silly, at least in my eyes. The force tipping in either way is supposed to give one side an advantage, not both a basically equal one.

    Even if this mind clouding meshes with what's in Episodes I and II, where does it mesh with Episodes IV, V, and VI?

    I'm not posing this as a challenge, but rather as a question. My Star Wars knowledge certainly isn't up to snuff, but I feel I know enough as a semi-intelligent human being to feel like some of these things don't add up in the average viewer's mind. I probably didn't explain myself as well as I would have liked, but if someone can trudge through my post enough to explain where my logic has been badly flawed, I'd appreciate it.
  3. In Topic: How Many Reasons To Hate ... ?

    Posted 23 May 2005

    QUOTE (Madam Corvax @ May 23 2005, 01:45 AM)
    Anyway, the reasn WHY the Clone Army was created is the fundamental thing - where all these white bearmoured men came from? We are not being told, or being told by some obscure awful novel from EU. I strongly object to my money being siphoned like that

    Having just finished watching AoTC on television this evening, I thought the explanation was needed. I'll be the first to admit that I'm by no means a Star Wars expert, but the average person viewing the movies isn't one either, and without a solid explanation it felt like a bad case of deus ex machina to me.

    "Oh, look! We just so happened to have discovered a massive army of clones at the same time the enemy has created a massive army of droids! How fortunate!" rolleyes.gif

    Some say that it was apparent in RoTS that Dooku ordered the clones, but a great many more say they didn't find it apparent at all. And as this forum is almost exclusively populated by people with high intelligence who know their Star Wars stuff, I'd say that it definitely wasn't shown well enough for the average viewer to get it.

    How the clones were discovered in AoTC also seems quite dubious to me, given it was just Obi Wan trying to find out where a dart had come from. If Obi Wan hadn't bothered trying to track down the owner of the dart (and if he hadn't asked help from Yoda, who in turn asked help from a five-year-old), no one would have known about the clones and the Jedi would have been doomed in that arena. Something more pressing and important should have taken Obi Wan there, or else it's just a stupidly contrived plot point like you'd find in an HP book. I just don't think anything was handled well in the clones story line, even using every bit of information taken from any of the movies and throwing it all together.

    I can't recall anything from the original movies being left with so many loose ends even between movies, let alone at the very ending of the story line.

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