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Star Wars Fan Convention (6 posts)
20-May 05
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User is offline May 25 2005 12:32 PM

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  1. In Topic: WORST MOMENT (spoiler)

    Posted 25 May 2005

    no no no

    anakin does not see into the future to see his mother dying

    he sees her in her present state, i.e., being tortured and abused by the people of the sand

    nowhere does he evidence prophetic ability

    surely you see the vast difference between sensing something current and actually seeing the future
  2. In Topic: WORST MOMENT (spoiler)

    Posted 24 May 2005

    The worst part about ROTS is its most central thesis: Anakin turns to the Dark Side based on .... nothing.

    He has visions of Padme's death, but he has nothing to substantiate these visions. He has not had prophetic visions come true before, has he? Since when is he the Darth Kwisatz Haderach? Troubling, these visions may be. But to destroy the Republic and turn to the Dark Side?

    Palpatine offers inane promises of "creating life," but provides no proof, not even a shred of proof. Not even an allegation that this horribly and laughably named Darth Plagueis actually performed such a feat. I offer the sad proof:

    PALPATINE: I thought not. It's not a story the Jedi would tell you. It's a Sith legend. Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life ... He had such a knowledge of the dark side that he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying.

    ANAKIN: He could actually save people from death?

    PALPATINE: The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

    Would not it have been far, far superior if something had actually occurred to Padme? Something so terrible that it forced Anakin to make his terrible choice?

    Thus, the greatest of jedi turns to the dark side based on absolutely nothing.

  3. In Topic: BEST MOMENT

    Posted 24 May 2005

    I especially liked when, in the aftermath of his beloved Republic being destroyed by a maniacal lightning wielding fiend, and immediately after witnessing his fellow senator's tragic passing, Jimmy Smits sees fit to utter,

    We've always talked of adopting a baby girl.

    So glad to hear it Jimmy! So glad not to impose in this time of dire galactic need!
  4. In Topic: How well does it connect?

    Posted 24 May 2005

    now that lucas has established that "the force" is merely a function of how many midichloridians one has in their bloodstream, WTF DOES IT MEAN TO "BALANCE THE FORCE?"

    might as well say "the brown haired peoples must be balanced!"

    I'm waiting for that moment to be parodied on the internet. I'd love to see it spliced with Howard Dean flipping out.

    -Anakin rises from the table-


    this is one of the funnier things i've read in a long time

  5. In Topic: Reasons to Hate Star Wars

    Posted 24 May 2005

    I have to admit, I have not seen the OT in some time, but I always had some thought that of course Vader knew Luke was his son, but he was forced to maintain the fiction that he was unaware so that he could selfishly attempt to *reach* him first and convert him rather than author his destruction. This would explain the comments above, but, I admit, there could be others I forget that this explanation would not mesh with.

    Also, the idea that Vader would not immediately assume Luke "Skywalker" is his son is not so absurd -- Vader is the most famous man in the galaxy after the Emperor and his last name is Skywalker, not so crazy that some rebel on his old planet would assume the name out of grandoisity or spite. . .

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