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User is offline Nov 15 2005 07:36 PM

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  1. In Topic: The "What Do You Expect" Problem

    Posted 7 Aug 2005

    Do you know what her reply was?

    "I wasnt expecting much from a Star Wars movie." Is that the last line of defense for the new generation of SW?

    Sadly, yes and as far as I'm concerned, that's the worst offense committed by the PT's - they lowered standards for what and how a SW film should be. As bad as the acting, the overuse of CGI and the destruction of OT characters was, the PT's have legitimized people dismissing SW with, "It's Star Wars. You shouldn't expect anything." The series is now regarded as campy, brain-dead fun for audiences alongside movies like xXx and Harry Potter. I've always argued that while the OT's were not classic literature, you weren't required to check your brain at the door to enjoy them.
  • In Topic: Mace and the Jedi confront Palpatine/Men in Black

    Posted 5 Aug 2005

    Yes, the evidence is overwhelming. tongue.gif

    Here's a pic of a baby Kit Fisto. And here he is as an adult.
  • In Topic: The "higher ground" advantage niptick

    Posted 22 Jul 2005

    The "higher ground" bullshit is simply explained - Lucas didn't know how to show Obi-Wan cutting off Anakin's limbs because he probably feared it would make Obi look stronger than Anakin. So GL contrived it to make it so that Anakin wasn't defeated in swordplay, it was the environment that screwed him up, which is bullshit since Jedi have been shown to jump a couple of stories high, even when they're tired. Hell, about 45 seconds or so earlier, Anakin made one hell of a leap/jump to avoid going over the lavafall.

    Of course, what Lucas failed to realize is that while Obi had the "higher ground", Anakin could've easily jumped down near the bottom of the slope which would've kept him safely away from Obi.

    Lame. dry.gif
  • In Topic: Storm has to counter more reasons...

    Posted 24 Jun 2005

    QUOTE (Storm)
    I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm going to take a hiatus from countering Chef's reasons for a while (or possibly forever).  I have come to realize that there is no point in arguing with Chef and the only thing that matters to me is that I liked the movie.  There is no sense in wasting energy trying to convince other people to like it.

    No one should ever try and convince another person that their personal preference is right, wrong, good or bad unless that preference can cause harm in some manner to said person. Some people liked ROTS and some people didn't, there's nothing wrong with either opinion. You trying to convince people that the PT's weren't as flawed was faulty from the start because the truth is, the PT's are flawed in so many ways, and not just in nitpicks, but in some major continuity plot points. ex:

    QUOTE (A New Hope)
    LUKE: No, my father didn't fight in the wars. He was a navigator on a spice freighter.

    BEN: That's what your uncle told you. He didn't hold with your father's ideals. Thought he should have stayed here and not gotten involved.

    And a little bit later...

    QUOTE (A New Hope)
    BEN: I have something here for you. Your father wanted you to have this when you were old enough, but your uncle wouldn't allow it. He feared you might follow old Obi-Wan on some damned-fool idealistic crusade like your father did.

    If you've seen the PT's, then you know this story Obi-Wan told Luke is now null and void because of GL's revisions. Unless I'm mistaken, Chef never nitpicked this shit; he focused on small things.

    If you love the PT's, that's fine, but you shouldn't tell those who see major flaws in them that there aren't any. That stance in and of itself is flawed if you've ever seen the OT. I will defend the brilliance of ANH and ESB, but I damn sure acknowledge the mistakes in them. Example:

    QUOTE (A New Hope)
    TARKIN: The Imperial Senate will no longer be of any concern to us.
    I've just received word that the Emperor has dissolved the council
    permanently. The last remnants of the Old Republic have been swept

    TAGGE: That's impossible! How will the Emperor maintain control
    without the bureaucracy?

    The Emperor was not some Sith Lord whose name spread fear throughout the galaxy. Hell, he wasn't even a force-user as the following passage tells us:

    QUOTE (A New Hope)
    VADER: He is here...

    TARKIN: Obi-Wan Kenobi! What makes you think so?

    VADER: A tremor in the Force. The last time I felt it was in the
    presence of my old master.

    TARKIN: Surely he must be dead by now.

    VADER: Don't underestimate the power of the Force.

    TARKIN: The Jedi are extinct, their fire has gone out of the universe.
    You, my friend, are all that's left of their religion.

    And then in ESB and ROTJ, we not only get an Emperor who's in command of the Empire, but he's an evil sith lord to boot. I love ANH and ESB, but those are inconsistencies and I have no problem saying so and while it doesn't diminish my love of the films, I would also never defend them because I know that mistakes were made.

    I never got involved in these "counter" threads because I thought they were dumb to begin with. Nitpicks are funny observations but they're not what cause me to dislike a film. Lack of continuity, transitions, cohesion, character development, logic, explanations, etc. - these are the things the PT's contain that piss me off. Forget nitpicks, I'm sure there are many of us here who could rip the PT's a new asshole when it comes to the real issues, but if there are those who love the PT's, live and let live I say. Who am I to tell them otherwise?
  • In Topic: Anyone up for an Episode III pants game?

    Posted 22 Jun 2005

    Darth Vader: Where is Padme? Is she safe, is she all right?

    Palpatine: I'm afraid that in your pants, you killed her.
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