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Bohrok Awakener's Profile User Rating: -----

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User is offline Sep 25 2005 05:54 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Anyone up for an Episode III pants game?

    Posted 23 Jun 2005


    Owen: You can waste time with your pants when your chores are done.

    Stormtrooper: Look sir, pants!

    Leia: Governer Tarkin! I expected to find you holding Vader's pants.


    Rebel Soldier: Sir, your pants will freeze before you reach the first marker!

    Palpatine: Search your pants, Lord Vader... you know it to be true.

    Leia: I love pants!
    Han: I know.


    Threepio: I'm rather embaressed Captain Solo, but it seems you are to be the main course at a banquet in my pants.

    Vader: I see you have constructed your own pants.

    Leia: It's not like that at all. He's my pants.
  2. In Topic: One to add to ChefElf's list 'o' gripes

    Posted 23 Jun 2005

    It wasn't the runway actually existing that bothered me, so much as the fact it conveniently happened to be EXACTLY where the Invisible Hand crashed. Anakin only had very minimal control over the ship, I doubt he had time to check for nearby runways and land there.
  3. In Topic: Han Solo was going to be in ROTS!

    Posted 22 Jun 2005

    If you think I'm joking, go to this review from The About half-way down the page, it says the same things.

    Whether it's told from Artoo's perspective or not it not the point. Lucas is saying that what we see, read and hear about Star Wars is really just Artoo talking to a group of Whills (whatever they are). Why can't it just be that we're seeing things at the same time they happen?
  4. In Topic: Elan Sleazebaggano (Reason #17)

    Posted 22 Jun 2005

    There is a Hasbro Sleazebaggano figure - in fact there are two variations. One with ears, and one with antennae.
  5. In Topic: Han Solo was going to be in ROTS!

    Posted 22 Jun 2005

    I'm not kidding. When did Lucas care about the Expanded Universe anyway? That's why he put V-wings (which are NOTHING like the EU V-wings) in ROTS. As for Lando, nothing's mentioned about him in the book... but I bet the thought crossed Lucas' mind. Maybe the author felt so embaressed for Lucas that he decided to leave that bit out.

    The second most offensive thing was the truth behind the Star Wars saga - it's being told to the Whills by R2-D2 thousands of years after ROTJ. The films are told from Artoo's perspective (apparently). I really don't think I can describe the stupidity of this act.

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