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User is offline May 29 2006 10:58 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Suggested changes to the OT

    Posted 29 May 2006

    I have a suspicion you guys might like this thread (give the first pages a chance and you'll see what I mean, same subject and all):

    http://boards. thefor...717901/p1/?2156
  2. In Topic: My ROTS trailer review.

    Posted 20 Mar 2005

    Well I wasn't banned for discussing the trailer (I was banned the day before it was released or something). I was banned because I wrote the three letters "wtf".
  3. In Topic: My ROTS trailer review.

    Posted 20 Mar 2005

    Hey Holy! Nice to see a familiar face biggrin.gif
  4. In Topic: Reasons to Hate Star Wars

    Posted 19 Mar 2005

    Today I discovered this site and the reasons to hate... page.

    I must say there is at least 100 more things to bash about TPM and AOTC ( I had lists of 100 nitpicks on each at a while ago).

    ROTJ deserves some more. Especially the fact that in ROTJ, all of a sudden, Luke Skywalker's saber doesn't cut off or penetrate anything on Jabba's sail barge.
    Another moment of it doesn't make any sense.
  5. In Topic: My ROTS trailer review.

    Posted 19 Mar 2005

    The potential I am talking about in this here trailer is the "darkness"; the physical darkness of the shots, a good move. Not because the story will be that dark, but because it casts some shadows on the terribly boring set designs of these films. Kickass.

    But the trailer falls apart at its seams, just like the movie is more than likely to do. Attack of the Clones is a pure feast of spotting the "This does not make sense", and from the looks of it, most of Revenge of the Sith will not make sense either, not in relation to the two first and definitely not in regards to the original films.

    Let's see what we have in here that does not make sense.

    The shuttle in the very beginning of the trailer speeding towards a planet. Accompanied by two fighters. It's design does not make sense in the way that it is rather stupid that ship designers need twenty + years to realize this ship needs a wing (see Imperial Shuttle). It's a poor design choice to just take an OT ship and remove a wing. It's beyond poor design, it's retarded. Lucas' words back in the mid-nineties keep haunting me: He said the new technology would give him what he needed to conjure up things beyond our imaginations. He gives us ships with one wing less. And Jar Jar. I am impressed.
    Oh, not only is the design ripped straight from ROTJ, the scene itself is ALSO ripped right out of ROTJ with the approaching Imperial Shuttle and TIE fighters. I remain impressed at Lucas' boundless imagination.

    "The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities..some considered to be...unnatural."
    This bit clearly suggests ROTS will be *another* Star Wars film brimming with way too long, untrimmed, boring dialogue - stilted, blunt, whatever. And the line does not even make sense. How are the powers of the Sith unnatural? They do approximately the same things as Jedi. Who considers the Dark Side abilities to be unnatural? Normal people? They know nothing. Jedi? Why would Jedi find that unnatural? Is running at 1000mph, mindtricks etc . unnatural? Is Jar Jar's dive into the pond natural?

    "Is it possible to learn this powah?"
    Obviously, Hayden's dialogue will once again be delivered in a dreary, monotone voice. And while his hair is way better, he still is not Anakin Skywalker to me.

    4. "The council wants you to report on all the Chancellor's dealings."
    They have the prophecy. Mace does not trust him. He failed at his tasks in AOTC. So why do they give him such an incredibly important mission - alone? Doesn't make much sense although I can buy this one. It's another example of George Lucas doing the "I need to have character A to be with character B", disregarding any logical or emotional reasons to connect the dots. It just has to be this way. The genius.

    5. "I don't think the boy can handle it. I don't trust him."
    Anakin's been training for years at the Temple (I presume). Why does Mace not trust him? I am 100% sure the film will not give an answer as to why Mace suspects Anakin of anything (think of how Mace blatantly defended Dooku in AOTC). And why doesn't Mace do something about it? The Jedi have in short time realized they are being duped, war is fought across the galaxy, and Mace just goes "Well I don't trust him but whatever." Doesn't make any sense.

    6. "I need your help son."
    The delivery's there, but I just can't stand that line. Count this as a minor bash.
    "Son." Meh.

    7. The Jedi Council
    Yippee! More scenes of people sitting around in a room with only chairs. How interesting and imaginative! Oh look, some of them are holograms! Incredible, how does Lucas come up with this stuff. And what the hell is Obi-Wan doing there? Correct me if I'm wrong, but I am pretty confident the OT clearly establishes Obi-Wan as a JEDI KNIGHT who was tutored by the mysterious, powerful JEDI MASTER Yoda.

    8. "Obi-Wan and the council don't trust me."
    Anakin whining again. Didn't we have enough of that?

    9. "You're under arrest blahblah."
    Where does Samuel hide his script? I'm sure he's reading it right there in that scene. How can I, as a sidenote, take this scene seriously when that stupid ugly Kit Fisto (or was it Kitten Fister) is there? And where is the epic drama in having a fight in a lawyer's office on Earth? Lucas, to give battles and confrontations more impact, dream up some interesting backgrounds, interactive environments, what have you.

    10. Palpatine with lightsaber and weird Gollumy noises. What can I say? I hope the original print of this film disappears in a fire and we're all spared this movie I still will go to see (lol).

    11. General Grievous (in the hangar or whatever it is). Nuff said.

    12. Lava planet. Now here was a chance for the truly epic and surprising but Lucas goes for a lava planet. Woohoo. I don't mind too much, but with Mordor still freshly imprinted on our retinas I believe he should have chosen to do it in another manner. Why not on a broken moon, it's pieces still spilling core lava or something.

    13. Goddamn Wookiees, and Chewie as one of them to boot. It's criminal.

    14. Palpatine's makeup. He seriously looks like he's wearing a cheap Star Wars halloween mask. One manufactured illegally in Thailand and given some slight changes to avoid copyright hassle.

    15. Anakin's march: I admit this looks good. When blocking the recently spoiled one-liners from mind. Remember, they are using classic OT music for these bits, music that resonates deeply within many fanboy hearts. With Williams' chopped-up hidden-behind-audio-effects score it may not give the same essence.

    16. The Jugs. Best shot. In the prequel trilogy. Evar.

    17. "Who could have done this?"
    I hope you have brightened since "AOTC", Obi Wan. I can imagine Yoda's really interesting reply. "Clouded this is..", "The Dark Side it must be..", "Shadows make it difficult.."

    18. Padmé crying.
    The other shot in this trailer I like. I hate the character in the trilogy so far, and I despise Natalie's efforts so far, but with the classic score in the background and an actual display of emotion (!!) it evokes that feeling I have been wanting since TPM; to see an actual emotional effect on a character, to see the legendary parents of Luke and Leia actually reacting to events within the story, I don't know; I like Padmé's sadness here.

    19. Yoda in more fights. Can Lucas have possibly heard the groans in the theaters across the globe during AOTC's screenings? Will Yoda show he's a master, not a sonic frog with a tiny lightsaber (how stupid is that).

    20. Huge tanks on wheels.
    Cool; an abandoned OT concept. But why replace such fast, seemingly effective juggernauts with AT ATs. Doesn't make sense.

    21. "You were the chosen one."
    *Another* line spoken with emotion? Impressive. Most impressive. But if Anakin *were* the chosen one, does that mean Obi-Wan now believes he *isn't?* In that case, why say it? It would only reveal that Obi-Wan knows something more than Anakin. What's the problem anyway: So Anakin killed the Trade Federation barons and some Sand People (as Palpatine mentions early in the film). SO WHAT. He also slaughtered Geonosians - actually sliced them in half - and his son, the hero, destroyed an entire artificial moon filled with personel. What difference does this make. I may have missed something from the film here.

    22. Sidious vs Yoda vs Seats
    While this may have been enjoyable (finally Lucas uses the environment), Yoda and Sidious fighting like this just goes against the OT. IMHO anyway. Yay let's throw around some of these pods. Perhaps there will be some subtly placed ETs in one of them, and then the seat is hurled into outer space to hint that this is the pod that lands on Earth in "E.T.". I'm sure Lucas could do it.

    23. Obi-Wan and Anakin swinging at each other while flying ropes.
    I just hope they put Chewie's tarzan yell in there for better integrating the prequels with the OT.

    24. The one and only Darth Vader.
    With tiny hands. Looking like he's hanging around. Perhaps bored. It's not epic! It's not dramatic! It's not infernal or anything.
    Lucas will probably say "I can never do exactly what the fans want". then why do it.

    And that's that. Thanks for letting me vent. pirate.gif

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