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User is offline May 07 2009 09:46 PM

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  1. In Topic: A Peoples' History of the Forums

    Posted 7 May 2009

    It took me 4 long years to track down the mysterious HANNIBAL, but after much detective work, I finally did,
    and I managed to procure the following interview. The man, the myth, the legend, Hannibal...

    I found him living on Pitcairn Island, halfway between New Zealand and the Americas, the Island settled by the Mutineers
    of The Bounty...

    So where have you been all these years?

    H: I have been travelling, and writing, not much time for forums these days.

    Can you tell us your real name?

    H: To do so would jeopardize your life.

    What exactly do you do for a living, or can you tell us? What are you working on?

    H: I have travelled far and wide, and I have been studying a dimension of life that is on the forefront of the human
    psycho-technological frontier. I have written a book about it, but I decline to go any further, as I sense that this
    interview is only about "Hannibal" the internet forum personality.

    Have you ever met George Lucas?

    H: Yes. I was in California during a 'study-visit' and I had attended a technology seminar, and apparently this had something
    to do with some subsidiary of Lucasfilm or something, and the Fat Man was there, and he was walking down the hall with
    this entourage, and my chance to save all humanity was staring at me in the face, but when I approached him, he was talking
    with some sort of seceratary, and he turned off to the side and said to her, "Can you find me some pretzels...I need some
    salty snack...and a juice box..." He was a 5 foot 10 inch, 300 pound overgrown child. I mean, should one really try to
    kill a child? I felt sorry for him, and this was the period before he had the bags under his eyes surgically removed...
    it was pathetic...really sad...he smelled like Brut aftershave and BubbleYum.

    It has been introduced that you might be Jewish, or were offended about being called a Jew, what is the truth?

    H: I was never offended about being called a Jew, as I am Albanian, it has always been speculated that it is most likely
    somewhere in my family is Jewish blood. People in forums like to manipulate facts...who would know...better than I?

    Why the name HANNIBAL?

    H:Ah, yes, well, Hannibal was chosen because of both the movie character, and the anecdote about the historical figure,
    about the 'fear of Hannibal' and "Hannibal is at the Gate." I wanted to be "Hannibal" at the Gate of Skywalker Ranch,
    and my original intention was not to insult fans, but turn them all against their God. After all Hannibal, is essentially
    originated from the name Baal. George Lucas was their God, and I their Devil. Even more fitting was my absolute intolerance
    for the rudeness and arrogance of people in the ChefElf forum. They would trash anyone who disagreed with them, yet
    turned me into the troll that I would become.

    They turned you into a Troll?

    H:Yes, ultimately, my firsts posts were sincere and intelligent, but as people took to insulting whoever they didn't like
    and assuming and presuming all sorts of inaccurate things, I had the time, and I felt like doing it at the time. I went
    totally absurd about it, and the funny thing is, as arrogant people do, they take it all seriously, and as many did not
    at first, none of them questioned, "can this guy actually be taking this seriously?" Thier absolute denial of their own
    arrogance could be the only reason behind this, how can you really take seriously all the utterly insane posts, and
    interact as if you were taking on some adversary? They felt good about themselves, defending their faiths. That is the
    absurdity of the Hannibal Affair. I had no connection to any of these people, I had no interest in making any connection
    with any of these people and assumed the forum would have died out years ago, the fact that these people are still on their
    wasting their lives is amazing.

    Do you really believe George Lucas is a nazi?

    H: Not really, but I think deep down he is a deeply disturbed, emotionally retarded racist who has quite likely inherited
    the genes of Heinrich Himmler...

    Does that mean you think he's related?

    H: No, you see its a part of the human condition, some people call it and believe in 'reincarnation,' I do not, I just
    simply believe that certain personality types re-occur to people generations later. Lucas is a case of arrogance of the
    highest degree, and what changed him from becoming the leader of a nefarious death squad is sheer greed, and chocolate

    Why post all the nazi stuff?

    H: In reality, Star Wars is fascist, but not of the National Socialist variety. It may appeal to Nazis, but ultimately,
    it is more specifically an American variety of fascism. It isn't strictly 'right wing' or 'left wing' but a kind of
    mutation of the two, where this Wagnerian Operatic aesthetic combined with the most juvenile of adolescent homoerotic
    fantasies produces the sort of person who reads 900 page fantasy novels, takes Dungeons and Dragons seriously, and
    endlessly obsesses with Star Wars, and this has a kind of effect...when this person goes out into the world, they are
    incapable of separating fantasy with reality, they are ultimately racists deep down, and will vote for tyrannical policies,
    regardless of which side of the democratic fence they are fanatically on. They will defend militancy, and take this sort
    of stand on issues that is patently "American," thoughtless, mindless, juvenile. They believe that Third World countries
    are full of festering diseases, mutated people who want to destroy the world, and that they are populated by 'sub-races'
    of almost non-human people who reside on lands which are the origins of Ancient races like Atlantis and Lemuria, and so
    forth, and that if these 'third world people' are ever exterminated, or suffer, it is no consequence to them.
    These people waver from Christian fanaticism to a kind of neopagan fanaticism, and often dream of being at the top of some
    futuristic feudal society. They must be stopped.

    So what do you think of the last Indiana Jones Film, where the villains are the Russians?

    H: What else could I think, George Lucas has continued his inane propaganda and I don't believe he realizes how bad his
    movies are getting, I think he still believes he is some kind of genius.

    Will you be taking on the New Star Trek?

    H: I leave that to the next generation of Hannibals. I do hope that people will assume the 'nature' of Hannibal again for
    the new Star Trek, but I am not so sure people are really quite grasping what "Hannibal" really was.

    What do you mean?

    H: "Hannibal" wasn't just a troll, he was a kind of gadfly, and the irony was the denial of people in recognizing him.
    Because of their pompous, and distorted lives spent online, typing away in forums for their own amusement, they got lost
    in their, it became a kind of second home, or a real home, they feel obligated to keep up, it becomes both a kind of
    personal interactive journal of theirs as well as how they 'get attention' in life. The amount of energy spent in Chefelf
    by many of the members is astounding, they write lengthy 'fiction' stories about things that 'happen' in the forum, they spend
    hours and hours creating artwork, and writing about the people in the forum, and they've done it for years. The sheer
    amount of time and energy this takes is tremendously wasting. They are still there, still posting, and so bored they've
    decided to write a 'history' of something that nobody cares about. Something I would have imagined would have all been
    deleted as people grew up, and moved on in their lives, the necessity of some website outside of your vocation, being a
    ridiculous added expense, and a waste of time. No. They have continued on for some 6 or 7 years with the same habits. Its
    odd, and sad. "Hannibal" was a personality that came to their attention, completely outside their realm of experience,
    he could only be one thing to them, "a troll." Yes, I was trying to get their attention, and yes, I did have fun doing it,
    but ultimately, they were victims of an experiment. But I didn't target any specific individual. I didn't really attack
    anyone, but as in any corner of life, the 'attackers' always blame the victims, always claim they were attacked, when what
    i was attacking was their denial, their shameful beliefs, their ignorance, their blindness, their stupidity. Not them.
    I attacked George Lucas, George Bush, etc etc. They assumed I was right wing, they assumed I was left wing, every post
    another ridiculous assumption, never questioning the real motivations, never investigating the name I chose, or the clues
    I left throughout the posts...every thread I led people to various sites for reasons beyond 'George Lucas is a racist' and
    other subjects. I left clues, codes, and all sorts of things in posts and threads, to explain both what I was doing and why
    and even at times how to contact me outside the forum, what I did for a living, what other forums I posted in, articles
    that I had in fact written, not under the name "Hannibal" of course... There was a lot of weirdness, and ultimately it
    was all about the 'times' that were occuring then...

    What do you mean by this?

    H: Well Star Wars had come out, and seemed to be infering something, and I was telling people that not only was it inferring
    something, it just wasn't inferring what these nerds were believing in, 'the Force' and 'Jedis' and all that garbage. IT
    was telling us that we were going to War, that we should accept it, that it was lulling us to sleep, giving us a dream to
    occupy our precious time so that we do not resist what was going on culturally, this is what Star Wars has been all along,
    a fantasy story that is surrogate to real life activities, provides a kind of fake 'spirituality' a fake 'politics' that
    we adopt and accept, while America goes off on its own Imperialistic agenda, and the public sleeps. George Bush became
    president and the rightwing/leftwing incendiary flame war began, and people were being called traitors left and right,
    and nobody but nobody was paying attention.

    H:Will you ever return to the Chefelf Forums, say if Lucas comes out with another Star Wars movie?

    Probably not, Star Wars isn't taken is seriously anymore as it used to be, when you make really bad propaganda, it gets
    boring, there's only one thing worse that bad propaganda by the way...

    what's that?

    H: Good Propaganda.

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New Cop
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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