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Give Me The Originals Dammit's Profile User Rating: -----

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23-September 04
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User is offline May 19 2005 02:16 AM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Episode III Advance Preview

    Posted 14 Oct 2004

    Just found a screenshot of Episode 3, as if ewoks weren't bad enough in ROTJ, just look at the cutness he's adding to this movie!

  2. Expanded Universe Atrocities

    Posted 28 Sep 2004

    I know there are a lot of things to bash George Lucas for, however there are some things which are not his doing which drive me insane! HEre's One of them. Well I was in the book store the other day flipping through some of the graphic novels. So I come across this one comic book that has a fight between Boba Fett and Darth Vader, Now I'm nt to sure if the comics themselves are actually included into the expanded universe... however in this particular comic the battle ends in a stalemate. Now I'm aware of how badass Fett is or supposed to be, but I just do NOT see this being a battle Boba Fett could possibly hope for a stalemate, let alone a win.

    Anyone have any thoughts on the subject or any other examples of Expanded Universe just getting it wrong?
  3. Worst Movie Lines

    Posted 25 Sep 2004

    Well there were certainly a lot of good quotes on VWing's topic, but I'm wondering if there was a movie line that just made you cringe. Here's one on top of my hate list.

    From X-Men

    "Do you know what happens to toads when lightning strikes them? The same as everything else."
  4. New Member with something not so new to say.

    Posted 23 Sep 2004

    Hi folks! Just thought I'd introduce myself to the community. I'm so happy to see a group of so many like minded individuals who indeed like Star Wars but do not hold George Lucas in the highest regards with his constant fiddling with his classic movies. A lot of my displeasure comes from what seems to be outright disdain George Lucas shows his fanbase which has given him so much wealth. I'll agree they are his films (as far as the rights are concerned) and he can fiddle around with them as much as he pleases, however I also feel that these films belong just as much to the public as they do to him. I remember being in absolute awe watching the original trilogy in the theatres as a child, so I will obviously have a sentimental attachment to the films, so is it really so much to ask for a release of the originals on DVD without any of those added scenes from the special editions or the new DVD release? I guess the answer is yes. Some of the changes from the original are positive while sadly many are just outright pointless or just plain stupid. Anyway I know that I'm not covering any new ground here, but I guess I'll just add my 2 cents on what I think about certain added scenes from the special editions and DVD releases both positive and negative. I know I'm griping about changes which are years old now, but hey I really really want the originals brought back.


    1. Greedo shoots first: Although a somewhat minor change it really does alter the drama of the scene. It's still best when Han blasts the sucker first.

    2. Jabba's introduction: I'm not a big fan of this scene, only for the simple fact it really kind of takes the air of mystery away from Han Solo's character. Throughout the original series we're left wondering who this Jabba the Hutt is until the final confrontation in ROTJ. With Jabba's introduction it just takes away that dynamic.

    3. Biggs and Luke talk before the big attack of the Death Star: Does anyone else think this scene was totally unnecessary? seeing as how this is the first time we ever see Biggs on the screen was I supposed to get all sentimental when he dies? Hell, I had more of an emotional repsonse when Porkins bought the farm!


    1. Seeing the Wampa before attaking Luke: Just don't care for it, It takes away from the drama and peril Luke was in.

    2. The added backgrounds to Cloud City: WOW! My first positive comment! It really did add to the granduer of Cloud City. It didn't effect the dynamic of any scenes. Funny how the best changes seem to be the minor cosmetic ones as opposed to added scenes.

    3. Luke's Yelp: Horrible nuff said

    4. Removing Luke's Yelp: Good call

    5. Changing Boba Fett's Voice: Why was this necessary?


    1. Sarlac Pit: At first I hated it, but now I do indeed like it, the scenes aren't as static as it once was.

    2. The Musical Number: I just really, really, really hated this scene. No other explanation other than that.

    3. The Ending Celebration: I thought the teddy bear picnic and the music in the original were much better, The new music just didn't seem to really capture the same spirit and did not really go well with the added scenes.

    4. The Ending Celebraton: GunGuns' added!! Why For the love of God! I didn't think it was possible to make a race of aliens more hated (loved?) than ewoks. Please leave those things in the prequels where they belong.

    Well thanks for listening to my inane ramblings of things that have been covered time and time again on this forum. guess I just needed to vent a little!

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