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FullyRamblomatic Forums (26 posts)
11-January 07
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User is offline Nov 06 2007 04:33 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: 6DAS Spoilers

    Posted 4 Feb 2007

    Has anyone considered the (incredibly far out) possibility that Yahtzee used an unreliable narrator? Perhaps Malcolm is indeed the murderer and is insane. Seeing as we see things through his eyes, maybe the insanity of opening the box and space dementia drove him crazy.

    Or not. But we can't assume that he didn't do it, simply because he was the PC. Assume for a second that he is insane enough to kill his crew and be sent to the asylum. Would he really see what he was doing as wrong? In 6DAS, he sees the Welder in those he killed, so perhaps on the ship itself he began to hallucinate and kill who he thought to be Welders.
  2. In Topic: Scariest moments in the XDAS games

    Posted 3 Feb 2007

    Ah, the impenetrable pillow fort.

    That certainly brings me back to the days of 7th Guest. Note to children: Don't play the 7th Guest when you don't even understand the concept of stealing people's souls.
  3. In Topic: Scariest moments in the XDAS games

    Posted 1 Feb 2007

    5DaS - First nightmare. Sudden change in music. Woosh-cah. That definitely changed the entire atmosphere of the game.

    7DaS - Torsooooooo =D The chase scenes were great, too, especially with the music that was used.

    TN - The voices. I eventually started taking off my headphones everytime there was a shift.

    6DaS - ..the safe. The one in the barracks. When he says something along the lines of "something's holding it from the other side", my imagination ran wild. Of course, it was disappointing, but I was hoping for like a severed arm that was holding the door closed or something equally weird.
  4. In Topic: 6DAS Spoilers

    Posted 31 Jan 2007

    Don, when talking about overanalysing, I meant the rather minor plot detail about whether or not the cult could build over the DeFoe ruins. I think it's pretty obvious that they did happy.gif Other details, I think, are far more important and far more relevent.
  5. In Topic: Much Love for Trilby's Notes

    Posted 31 Jan 2007

    Don, there's a reason his head looks chubby - he is actually looking down and to the right, so you're not getting a profile view. He's looking at Trilby.

    At least, that's how I see it.

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