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Grand Moff Lebowski's Profile User Rating: -----

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Star Wars Fan Convention (115 posts)
24-July 04
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User is offline Jan 31 2006 02:30 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. I usually don't like these but...

    Posted 13 Jun 2005

    Pretty funny.



    It just WANTS to be mocked.
  2. Obi-Wan?

    Posted 7 Jun 2005

    Come to think of it.....what does this mean?
    I thought it used to imply it was his rank amongst the Jedi.

    No we see it is just....well...nothing, really.

    I mean Annie didn't have a cool different name. Or Yoda. Or the guy with the crazy neck. What heppened to him anyhow? Didn't they want to lop off the bean off a head in EpIII?

    So what the F?

    Oh, right. Just sloppy story telling and inconsistent thinking. Or was it all justified in some damn EU book?
  3. Feeling sick?

    Posted 7 Jun 2005

    http://,00. html

    They should've handed them out in the theatre.
  4. Darth Vader's suit

    Posted 6 Jun 2005

    I really like to give George the benefit of the doubt, but he F-ed me again. I really thought that he would show the origins of the suit Vader wears. As it stands now, it looks like the Emperor had this cool design just WAITING for a chance to build it onto someone. I thought perhaps it was a symbol of the Sith based on old scriptures or evil hieroglyphs. Lucas leaves us with NO explanation at all.

    Now I can imagine several scenes where Vader's body is elevated up on the operating table and the Emperor says, "No, no, no! It's all wrong. I want it ALL black! With little silver bits by the mouth! And make the mouth more angular."
    A sighing Vader is lowered back to horizontal as the droids begin design revisions.

    And while we're on it....why even let on that Annie is Vader? Do we need to be beaten over the head with this? If, as Lucas says, this generation will see the episodes in the proper order (I-IV) why give it all away? Why not have Annie thrown in the lava and presumed dead with some mystery around his whereabouts? Say some probe droids fishing around the lava banks at the end of the film looking for...something? A mysterious message informing the Emperor that "We have found it"? One of the BIGGEST moments in movie history is, "I AM YOUR FATHER"!! Lucas has taken the impact away from it by giving this away too early AND by adding dialogue in the Special Editions that give it away at the beginning of Empire.

    What a dufus. Sometimes I tink it's a bad F-ing dream.....
  5. From Prohpet to profit

    Posted 21 May 2005

    What is Lucas trying to tell us with these prequel stains anyhow?

    We know Yoda was living in exile, but the Way he lived seemed appropriate. A Master of the Force, uninterested in matrial things and void of dependencies on the physical. A true MASTER. He is NOT political. Politics seemed as appropriate a concern to Yoda as calculus is to sculptor.

    With the PT we see he is indeed dependant on many material things and has a phat pad to hang in and is in the know on most things political. Yoda is also faced with a defeat at the hands of the Emperor and his solution is to go into exile? This is it? He ran away?
    Sorry...scurried away like a rat? So the Darkside is not as powerful but totalitarianism is too much to handle?

    Again, it's just weak.

    And why should we feel sorry for Vader and his like? I know when we're born we're all shiney, happy, cherubs but c'mon! Where do we draw the line? Blowing up planets and killing children doesn't invalidate your human spirit card?

    SO lucas wants us to feel bad for Vader and forgive him, and see Yoda as a failure? I just don't see the point in doing this.

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Mini Boss
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