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Patch's Profile User Rating: -----

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715 (0.11 per day)
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FullyRamblomatic Forums (698 posts)
22-November 06
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User is offline Aug 31 2009 11:38 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Why is there no new ZP today?

    Posted 31 Jul 2008

    New ZP
  2. Opinion

    Posted 24 Apr 2008

    I'm in a good mood. Thats why I have come here to bitch. I'm tired of seeing things like 'I won't be getting (game x). It sounds crap.'
    Or 'I played (game x) and I realised Yahtzee was right about (comment x)'

    I mean, sure, it's all good fun and all. But Yahtzee, surprisingly enough, doesn't always have the same opinion as you. Don't ignore or mock a game because it was reviewed badly. Do that because you don't like it or actually believe it's bad.

    Naturally, there are reviews where Yahtzee gives a good review. What if you hate that sort of game, or for some inexplicable reason hate that game. But you buy it (obviously you played it at a friends house or some crap).

    Take for example the 'Yahtzee vs CAD' thread.
    That was more like 'Yahtzee is right vs I like CAD quite a bit, thankyou'
    I read what Yahtzee said, and I thought it would be shit. As a result I read a few comics. They kept me interested enough to read some more. Thank god they did. I like the comic. I'm quite content with the art.

    Just like I'm quite content with ZP not trying to improve it's art. You don't try to fix something that works. It's stupid.

    Anyway, I'm digressing from the point here.

    The thing is, don't hate a game if you don't know what it's like just because some midly famous internet hero hates it. Get your own opinion. Before I decide to ignore anymore threads out of annoyance.


    "I agree with (Point x). But I disagree with (Point y). Hahaha (Point z)."
    "List of the shit that I thought was funny even if the references went over my head"

My Information

Member Title:
33 years old
April 9, 1991

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  1. Photo

    joshofalltrades Icon

    27 Jun 2008 - 15:35
    And sooth, Lord Wallace is displeased to bed
    With anyone but she to whom he wed.
  2. Photo

    Patch Icon

    07 May 2008 - 02:14
    Please, feel free to comment. It's not like I look at this place anyway.
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