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Xombie's Profile User Rating: -----

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Star Wars Fan Convention (115 posts)
10-June 04
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User is offline Nov 18 2007 03:24 AM

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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Thunderous Applause and Death of Democracy

    Posted 27 Jul 2005

    And shouldn't the line actually go: "And so this is how Jar Jar Binks dies" ?
  2. In Topic: The Mustafar Duel

    Posted 19 Jul 2005

    Suns are too exotic for Lucas.

    More likely he'd just set it on the planrt of perpetual forest fires.
  3. In Topic: Discovery Channel: The Greatest American

    Posted 15 Jul 2005

    Wow, that is a bullshit list. And Ronald Reagan beats out Abraham Lincoln for number one. And among the list of nominees is Bob Hope, Tom Hanks, and sickening anti-semite Henry Ford.

    And, of course the actual greatest American ever, John Brown, doesn't even make the nominees list.
  4. In Topic: The Darth Plaguis problem

    Posted 8 Jul 2005

    Well, it is kind of hard to see him as a fully rounded character when his name is Darth Plagueis.

    This is only one micron better than just going ahead and naming him "Darth Evilguy."
  5. In Topic: Bush Blunders on Bike and Bashes Brit Bobbie

    Posted 8 Jul 2005


    The idea that Bush is "hard as nails" is pretty silly. When has Bush ever done ANYTHING that sugested any sort of personal toughness? Starting wars other people will have to fight doesn't count.

    Clinton would probably be much better to have in a fight since he actually physically stood up to an alcoholic stepfather to protect his mother. Bush, on the other hand, a man well into middle age, still seems creepily fixated on living up to his daddy's expectations like the pampered man-child that he probably is.

    And if you could have ANY president back you up in a fight, might I suggest Teddy Roosevelt and U.S. Grant, men who, unlike Bush, actually proved their mettle in combat.

    And, by the way, I can easily imagine Clinton saying "I ride hard, baby!"

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Mini Boss
Age Unknown
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