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Star Wars Fan Convention (20 posts)
05-July 06
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User is offline May 06 2008 05:25 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Why I hate the Clone Wars Volume 1

    Posted 9 Jul 2006

    Everyone I talk to seems to think the Clone Wars DVDs are alright. But I still say they're nearly as bad as the PT. I took a note from Chefelf and decided to put it's failures in a neat, organized list (in chronological order for your enjoyment).

    1. The characters and animation look like shit. It's been awhile since I've watched an American cartoon, but Christ... I don't remember watching anything this bad.

    Just to compare, this is something I made in a minute using Paint:

    2. Blatant Mr. Burns rip-off, right from the start. How did they not see he's evil?!

    3. Palpatine overrides Yoda and Obi-Wan's military decision. They don't like it, but they just sit there and take it.

    4. These guys ride eels and have laser lances. Right out of a cartoon from the 80s.

    5. The Imperials also get their asses handed to them by guys with lances.

    6. They rip off a scene from Akira for no reason at all. Obi-Wan gets swalled by... I think it's either wires or intestines. Something that, when it explodes, showers goo everywhere.

    7. ...Then the enemy revives itself and they rip of Terminator 2.

    8. An entire clone trooper fleet gets destroyed and, aside from a backwards glance by Anakin, no one gives a shit. Just because they're clones, doesn't mean they can't feel.

    9. Anakin chases a Sith against Obi-Wan's direct orders.

    “Do not follow that ship! Anakin, do you hear me?! DO NOT FOLLOW THAT SHIP! THAT IS AN ORDER! ANAKIN!!”

    “Sorry, sir. Your signal’s breaking up.”

    “Padawan, if you-“

    Holy shit. I'd take his other hand for something like that. Since when did Obi-Wan become such a pussy?

    10. After Anakin abandons his misison, disobeys a direct order and follows a Sith into an obvious trap, Obi-Wan feels the need to pull out the "I have a bad feeling about this" line.

    11. Mace Windu destroys an entire droid army by himself. Clone troops stand to the side and occasionaly die. Which makes me wonder... why bother even making a clone army?

    12. Mace Windu force throws several hundred super battle droids.

    13. ...He then beats the shit out the remaining droids with his bare hands.

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    14. After destroying the droids ship he then jumps...

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    ..a fuckin' mile.

    15. On... some snow planet (I wasn't paying too much attention by now), Yoda goes to rescue two trapped Jedi. Padme, a senator, insists that she comes along to help Yoda, a Jedi-fuckin'-master. Yoda explains that dangerous, it is. Padme, a senator, is sure that he'll need her help. Yoda leaves her behind (score one point for the Clone Wars DVD).

    16. Padme decides that Yoda might be in trouble. So she decides to run into the blizzard to save him. She is attacked immediately and tricks C3-P0 into drawing out the enemies. When the enemies appear... SHE THROWS A FUCKING GRENADE AT HIM!

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    17. When Padme meets up with Yoda she asks, "What troubles you master Yoda?" and it hit me, "Why the fuck are these two people talking to each other?"... I don't know. It just bothers me. He's more social than I had expected.

    18. Anakin gives into his anger and kills a Sith. Which paves the way for him to do the exact same thing in RotS (She's not a real Sith. There's only two real Sith, as Yoda pointed out. I guess it doesn't count against them because she only lasts about three minutes).

    19. Shaggy the Jedi freaks the hell out when he hears Grevious is coming. And just like the real Shaggy, he takes off and runs straight into the guy he's trying to run from.

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    So, that's it... Clone Wars: Volume 1 sucked.
  2. Why are there so many Jedi?

    Posted 7 Jul 2006

    Why are there so many Jedi if they can't have "bonds"? Are they all little Jesus' brought forth by bacteria? Are there a lot of sperm banks all over the core worlds? If so, are the Jedi's children sent to train somewhere else? Because they obviously can't be around their parents or they'd develop a strong bond with them. Has this been explained anywhere or is this just half-assed writing?

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