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Star Wars Fan Convention (4 posts)
12-May 06
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User is offline May 28 2006 06:17 AM

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  1. In Topic: The Story So Far

    Posted 28 May 2006

    You are wrong, Palpatine's plans aren't going wrong, they are going right. He needed Anakin to fall in love with Padme, so he was trying to threaten Padme but not actually kill her. That's why the attempts to kill her don't work - he just wants to get Anakin as her body guard so that he has time to fall in love with her. That is his plan all along.
  2. In Topic: An elegant movie

    Posted 12 May 2006

    I was looking for this post and I found it. This is just about what I think about A New Hope too. It IS believable, and the plastic lightsaber scene doesn't ruin it either, not for me. The fact that it stops being rotoscoped and still glows at the tip makes it even MORE real in some ways. At least it is actually there and glows and spins. It's not just a stick somebody painted green later on.

    Azerty is right, IMHO, Luke needed to blow up the Death Star with the Force to round off the story, and to show that he is starting to be a Jedi Knight. Just like Solo needed to come back to round of his character too. This movie is good, and the point is that if it all didn't happen just the way it did happen they never would have made a movie about it.
  3. In Topic: Which moments in ROTS did work for you?

    Posted 12 May 2006

    Hello Jariten, was that wikipedia reference a pro argument or an anti argument to Luke and X wings? Rossi had a famous driver father, raced bikes himself later, and then jumped into formula one succesfully. He even beat out those nascar drivers who were professional drivers in the states and tried to make the crossover and failed. Luke had a famous flier father, flew t16's when he was a kid, and also had the magical force to help him out.

    Plus Luke was given only a secondary job at the death star, which was engaging the main forces of the empire, while while the better guys snuck off and went went down the trench. It was only after most of them were dead that he tried it himself, was saved from certain death by Solo's intervention, and then used the force (which none of the other pilots seemed to have), and blew up the station. It seems believable.

    That little girl in Aliens? Also believable. That little boy in Phantom Menace? Not as believable.
  4. In Topic: Which moments in ROTS did work for you?

    Posted 12 May 2006

    Hi, normally I am a reader, not a writer, but this is just my 2 cents worth thrown in. Barend was talking about motorcycles a few posts ago, discussing Luke ability to jump in an X-Wing, so I will do the same thing. Valentino Rossi just jumped into Ferrari's formula one car a couple of weeks ago and was posting lap times pretty close to Schumacher's right off the bat. I think Ferrari signed him up for next year. Maybe Barend is the only guy here who knows about Rossi, but he is a mortorcycle rider, and not a car driver. If a guy can go straight from MotoGP to F1 and get a contract, I don't see why Luke can't go from his t16 to an X Wing and fly it.

    Luke at least thought he knew what he was doing, tried, and succeeded. Anakin on the other hand, had no idea what he was doing and succeeded anyway. I seem to remember Luke even took over the squadron and was giving orders after the real leaders were blown up, because he was confidant in his abilities.

    Anakin in the ship was not stupid in itself - but the fact that he was clearly inept, (rather that a young Darth Vader with the force with him) made it stupid. Why wasn't he as confident in that space ship as he was in the pod. That's almost all it would have taken for me to make the jump from stupidity to believability.

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