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Star Wars Fan Convention (19 posts)
14-May 05
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User is offline May 19 2005 10:24 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Most Technical Innovation that came from SW

    Posted 16 May 2005

    1. What would you say is the most innovative technology to come out of SW?

    2. Where would you say SW had the biggest influence?
  2. The REALLY scary part

    Posted 15 May 2005

    After reading what alot of you have written , as well as the magic 78/64 the thought occurs that I & II were no accident.
    These movies were carefully thought out, planned, discussed, envsioned and designed for a long time.
    and this is the best they can do with unlimited time and $ - kinda reminds me of micro$uck...

    Or bush - 5 years as the undisputed leader of the (free) world and unlimted powers and budget and this economy and war is the best he can produce. maybe bush is the chanceller? or maybe it's rove and bush is jar jar?

    LOL crying.gif
  3. Star Wars was not created for people who can think

    Posted 14 May 2005

    I think lucas was (consciously or not) writing for Jason in "FoxTrot"
    Chef makes the point that 8 years olds will cream over SW,
    18, 28, etc will not.
    I saw star wars when first released and was midteens and was bored silly. Didn't see the big deal. Thought it superficial, trite, poorly acted and dumb. In the same league as Spielberg and Steven King. Sure, they have their moments, even a blind pig finds an acorn now and then, but, by and large, pandering to the masses - not that everything has to be citizen kane.

    By then acid, heinlein, asimov, clarke, burgess, (among others) 2001 had taken their toll. The obvious BS was too distracting.

    While i grant SW is a fun story for kids, so is Mickey Mouse, and we all stopped laughing at his 4 fingers and perfectly spherical ears years ago. Come to think of it, early disney cartoons are actually Better than SW.. better plot lines, more logical flow in service to the story, better character development and acting, etc...
    I think the issues we find, while valid I think, are, for the most part irrelevant, as we are not the audience lucas is marketing to
    all sequels suck, by definition (or so my wife says and my wife is always right)
    Lucas has said that SW was done so he could be financially secure to make the films he *really* wants to make
    I bet he reads the chef and laughs, knowing we'll all go see III - which pisses me off enough that I'll wait to rent it...or it comes to our $1.00 theatre.

  4. Yoda knows all but aint sayin'

    Posted 14 May 2005

    I agree w/ the chef that yoda not knowing about Chanceler Palpitation (whatever) is absurd.
    But, I have a differnet theory.
    Yoda actually DOES know all that will happen, (as I have long suspected Gandlaf did in LOTR), i mean look at the disgusted look he gives the chanceller in the beginning of II...
    anyway, I think knows all, but, like the warrior in the bagvhad gita, is playing his part.
    I mean, if he just killed the chanceller and anakin right off, we'd have a different movie -
    come to think of it, why didn't elrond just push Isildur into Mt doom and be done with it??? Then he could keep pranging his daughter, in between beating up Neo....but I digress...
    LOL devil.gif
  5. Anne was a lousy Jedi (or not one at all)

    Posted 14 May 2005

    so, struggling to get through a rewatch of II in prep for III, I got to thinking about Luke's line in VI(?)
    "I'm a Jedi, like my father before me".
    Now, maybe it's just me , but.
    in I and II Annekin is not a jedi - being trained, ok, lots of jedi mito-whacthamacallit stuuf in his blood, ok, great with a light sabre, ok, but not good enough to beat Saruman, oops, Mr Magoo or whatever Chris Lee's character name is
    He is certainly a LOUSY jedi - can't follow orders control his feeling,s etc....

    have fun

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