Night Life: Frank the Rabbit - Viewing Profile

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Frank the Rabbit's Profile User Rating: -----

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Active Posts:
147 (0.02 per day)
Most Active In:
The Lobby (General Chat) (63 posts)
23-March 07
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User is offline May 05 2008 05:39 PM

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How did you find the site?:
i enjoy movies, and i enjoy star wars, especially video games including REVAN and hk-47
United States
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Topics I've Started

  1. The Queen will be most displeased

    Posted 29 Apr 2008

    [/center]Travel to Town
    Find fine fabrics
    Reveal the Rations to Rampart rats
    Scope some sounds on the sloppy seas
    A magical mystery for you and me....
  2. Into the Wild

    Posted 2 Jan 2008

    Whos seen it, who's read it? I loved both.
  3. The Santa Clause sequel puns

    Posted 26 Oct 2007

    A friend and i were doing this, it was hilarious, but we couldnt think of any more. here's what we have.

    Current ones:

    The Santa Clause
    The Santa Clause 2: Mrs. Clause
    The Santa Clause 3: Escape Clause

    here's what we thought up:

    Santa Clause 4: Clause and Effect
    Santa Clause 5: Trapped in the Clauset
    Santa Clause 6: Escape from the Clauset
    Santa Clause 7: Claustraphobia
    Santa Clause 8: Santa Claws
    Santa Clause 9: Christmas Slay
    Santa Clause 10: Clause for Celebration
    Santa Clause 11: Clause encounter
    Santa Clause 12: Claused in Space
    Santa Clause 13: Klu Klux Klause
    Santa Clause : The Scent of Venison
  4. The Year of Kurt Vonnegut

    Posted 13 Sep 2007

    The year's almost over. What are some kurt vonnegutish things that have happened so far? has any one read any of his books? or does anyone here hate his guts? Its truly a shame that he died, so it goes, but what would the world have been like otherwise?
  5. Indiana jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skulls

    Posted 13 Sep 2007

    well, there it is, the newest indiana jones movie. they said it would be supernatural. i've heard of those skulls before, i think i saw one in ripley's believe it or not once.

My Information

Member Title:
Mini Boss
Age Unknown
Birthday Unknown

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