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Vesuvius's Profile User Rating: -----

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Star Wars Fan Convention (266 posts)
30-July 06
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I was attracted to the "Reasons to Hate" and found them very funny.
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Topics I've Started

  1. Billy Mays

    Posted 28 Jun 2009

    I can't believe it! Billy Mays died!

    Some of you may recognize him selling things like: OxiClean, Orange Glo, Mighty Putty, Hercules Hooks, and a number of other household items that work pretty well.

    You might also recognize him as the "dude with the beard, always yelling at me to buy his products."

    I can have my TV on mute and still hear this guy down the hall! He had the Shamwow guy beaten!

    I don't know if his commercials will be removed now that he passed away. If that's the case, then he will be missed.
  2. X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Posted 1 May 2009

    First off, this movie was waaay better than that awful X-Men: The Last Stand!

    Secondly, of course there were some things that didn't coincide with the comics, but hey, this movie was really, pretty good!

    Third, this was probably Hugh Jackman's best portrayal of Wolverine, even though everything wasn't canon, it was still a fun film to see. All supporting characters were done very well in this film, and the bridging from this film to the first X-Men film wasn't that bad. Still some minor details that the lady and I pointed out after the film regarding continuity, but overall a good film.

    Oh, and stay after credits. happy.gif It's kinda messed up, but still...

    Edit: I went in not expecting much from this film because the third X-Men movie was cruddy. I was pleasantly surprised however.
  3. The Smurfs

    Posted 5 Jan 2009

    I didn't see any topic relating to this show, and now that it's on DVD, it deserves a bit of commentary; especially after over twenty years of not seeing it.

    First off, I found myself laughing at things about the show that I would not have found funny at all when being around five years old. It's really a different show altogether now.

    Secondly, "Grouchy" Smurf is very ahh, ... misan-smurfic, to say the least. I know these Smurfs have their own harmonious society and all, but that guy should have been either exiled or exiled himself a while ago if he's that unhappy with all of his kin.

    Third: I didn't know this when I was young, but Gargamel made Smurfette! Seriously! Now this gets me to thinking... if Gargamel knows how to make Smurfs, then did he make all of the Smurfs? Does this explain why there doesn't need to be any other female Smurfs? I dunnoooo...

    Lastly, (for now) "Jokey" Smurf. Okay, how is it in this society of these Smurfs, not one of them can see what's coming from the wrapped gift box? It's going to be a bomb in every one of them and all the Smurfs obliviously fall for it! I'm wondering when a smurf like "Sarcastic" Smurf will say something like "Hey, that Jokey is a real Smurfhole!"
  4. Happy Birthday, TruJade!

    Posted 5 Jan 2007

    Hey! Just wanted to say Happy Birthday! It's always fun talking to you about SW films and their problems! Keep it going! Have a great day!

    Edit: Oops! I didn't capatilize the "J" in your name, sorry!

    Edit: I fixed the title.
  5. Happy Birthday Sailor Abbey!

    Posted 18 Dec 2006

    Hey, where have you been?! I haven't seen you around lately.

    Ahh well, when you get here, you've got a Happy Birthday in the waiting!

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Member Title:
43 years old
June 5, 1981
The Crossroads

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