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BadKarma's Profile User Rating: -----

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45 (0.01 per day)
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Star Wars Fan Convention (38 posts)
20-May 05
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User is offline Sep 10 2005 09:56 AM

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Saw a screen shot on a UK TV Star Wars documentary (BBC, Generation Jedi).. did a Yahoo search for "78 reasons to hate Star Wars Episode 1", and here I am!
United Kingdom
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: Which PT character would you kill off?

    Posted 1 Jun 2005

    I voted Anakin. Without him there'd be even less story than there is now and the PT can be advertised as what it really is... a visual CV (resume for you yanks!) for ILM!
  2. In Topic: Matrix is overated!

    Posted 26 May 2005

    I think they just wasted the first film in the other 2.
    Did anyone else feel they just couldn't relate to the fact that in Matrix Morpheus and the gang are THE hope for the world, and it's your classic band of adventurers against the odds. Then in Reloaded suddenly the mighty Morpheous is just some jumped up captain in some HUGE army being ordered around.
    I think they took the detail too far. The whole thing of Matrix was it was so mind expanding to comprehend living in a fake "reality", and then in the next 2 films they tried to explain too much whilst making the plot convoluted to make it seem cleverer than it really was.
    On saying that, I'm not sure what they could have done to keep it "good". Personally, I watch the first movie and leave it hanging!
  3. In Topic: Charlie And The Chocolate Factory

    Posted 26 May 2005

    Sorry I'm a bit late to this party....
    I don't like remakes much either. I also love the sinister Willie Wonka and the Chocolate Factory with Gene Wilder.
    BUT, the thought of Johnny Depp, Danny Elfman and Tim Burton joining up again.. if they can make a dark Sleepy Hollow style CatCF, it's gonna be F'ing awesome.
  4. In Topic: Movie shame!

    Posted 26 May 2005

    One of my favourite films is a little known B movie called "Cold Hearts". It is truley dire.. but I love it!
    I have Krull on DVD, which I like a lot.
    Oh and another fave is Navy SEALs, with Charlie Sheen and Micheal Beine, which is just very 80's!
  5. In Topic: Slipknot

    Posted 26 May 2005

    QUOTE (Chyld @ May 20 2005, 12:10 PM)
    Strapping Young Lad, my friends, and add a sprig of Arch Enemy on the side for good measure.

    I've just booked tickets to see SYL. Not heard of them before today either, spooky!
    And Slipknot are my favourite band. No I'm not 12 (33 in fact), married etc. As well balanced as any "metal head" can claim to be. They just played the music I needed to hear at a time of my life when I really needed it to escape what I was going through. If you think their agression and anger was some party piece to get noticed, try watching some of their early gig videos. They are a very unhappy bunch!
    I'm not surprised the new album is a very different style, they have changed in 6 years. Money, secure future, families and fame. They have a lot less to be pissed off about now. I wouldn't be surprised if the next album sees the losing of the masks. They are already semi gone in the last video for "Vermillion" (masks of their own faces) and in the new "Before I Forget" video they have no masks at all although it's shot in a "Question of Sport - Guess Who?" (you only see noses, ears, mouths, hair etc) way!
    I like old aggresive Knot, but it's a very personal thing for me, as most music tends to be for everyone.

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