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Dark Comet's Profile User Rating: -----

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22-August 04
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User is offline Apr 22 2009 12:37 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Yahtzee's Funky New Game-to-be

    Posted 18 Jul 2005

    Yippee Kay Aye and Gorden Bennet. I was slightly concerned with the dropping of ol' P12 that a very groovy concept would be banished to the Plains of Leng forever. Not so it seems. Hurrah, and I look forward to playing it.

    If you'll be wantin' some third party Beta testing, I'm always up for a gander. I'm sure the rest of us would enjoy giving it a once over as well.
  2. Mervyn Peake

    Posted 29 Jun 2005

    So. Mervyn Peake. Creator of that sprawling expanse of gothic architecture known as Castle Gormenghast. Personally, although I'm new to his works, I've taken quickly to his imaginative and descriptive style and verse. And the character of Steerpike ranks alongside Lupin III, Heathcliff and Phillip Marlowe as one of the finest anti-heroes of all time.

  3. Evil has a name.

    Posted 23 Jun 2005

    I myself would suggest Uwe Boll for this title. I mean, after I saw Alone in the Dark, I got out my Cthulu kit and made an offering in an attempt to butter up the Prince of Darkness. I must have sprinkled the Yam's blood the wrong way though, because instead of Boll's head I ended up with a shaven cat who wore slippers and spoke Portugeuse.

    But I digress. Simon Ducard, eh? Sounds like he's turned evil into an art form. Certainly a standard for evil-doers the world over to work towards.

    BTW, funky pic Yahtz.
  4. Doctor Who

    Posted 21 Jun 2005

    Well, it's over. The first series of one of the coolest revivals on telly has ended. And I, for one, enjoyed every minute of it.

    I had my doubts, I admit, but they pulled it off brilliantly. Chris Eccleston was utterly sublime as the good Doctor, imbuing him with a enthusiastic manic streak that seemed to suit the character quite well. The stories, mostly written by Russel T Davis (legend) were imaginative and exciting, culminating in a triumphant return for the Daleks - THEY ARE STILL FREAKIN' SCARY, even today.

    For those of you bored out of your minds by the endless speight of crap Reality TV, this was a moment of blisss. Anyone else see this excellent series?

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Mini Boss
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