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30-July 06
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I was attracted to the "Reasons to Hate" and found them very funny.
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Posts I've Made

  1. In Topic: So where is everybody?

    Posted 12 Nov 2009

    I take it people are busy and George Lucas hasn't done anything stupid lately.
  2. In Topic: Police break up Darth Vader's 'Porn' Film

    Posted 10 Nov 2009

    This reminds me of my girlfriend and I sitting in a stair well and cops coming in on us because of reports of "lewd and lascivious behavior, and sexual misconduct in a public place." The cop actually had a flashlight out and shining it on us and we sat there looking at him. He had a grin on his face like he was bustin' in on some action. To his dissapointment we just finished lunch and were talking about football. We were fully clothed and our hair wasn't even messed up.
  3. In Topic: X-Men Origins: Wolverine

    Posted 8 Oct 2009

    Um, yeah. Feifan, what's with the double-spaced essay on young adults and credit cards? I thought this topis was about Wolverine's silly movie.
  4. In Topic: Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy

    Posted 24 Sep 2009

    Heh, I was wondering when I would get the chance to talk about the fun things that happen in this game.

    I love messing with the jedi/dark jedi when it comes to natural obstacles. I've found that push works best when someone is jumping toward you. Case in point: The one planet that looks like the "Twilight" levels in StarCraft: Broodwar. It's the planet where you have to secure the tomb of a Jedi and it's right after you have the ability to select a different saber type or style. Anyway, I push Sith around on that level and they fall, screaming to their death. For Force users that don't respond to push, use choke but quickly so as to move your opponent around. It's funny to "snag" someone by the throat before they can push you and you've already dropped them into something, be it lava, a pit, or some obstruction that causes them pain and death.

    Also, I must say that saber combat is different in this game, but not impossible. I actually spent some free time getting good at the combat style and a lot depends on what style you're using and how you maneuver the thumbstick. Lightsaber combat is a lot of fun when you know how to do it, but the physics of the lightsaber are not realistic as in Jedi Outcast. The fighting isn't based on random swinging here, you have to think about your initial style and moves depending upon your opponents style and what type of saber he/she's wielding. It's only tricky here because Outcast's physics are far different.
  5. In Topic: Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince

    Posted 13 Aug 2009

    This film was an alright adaptation of the book. It was way better than the fourth film and felt a lot like the fifth film. Same director, I know. What bothers me though is how things were forcibly crammed in this film while others were out of line, but the direction was good enough to allow events to slide by.

    Slughorn looked nothing like how he was described in the book though. And I didn't like how Snape revealed his identity when Harry showed little to no interest in the previous owner of his book.

    It would be like Luke being trained by an old Jedi that didn't know Anakin/Vader, never told Luke anything about his father, but Vader saying to Luke after beating on him, "Oh and by the way, I'm your dad." I can see Luke replying to that line in a fashion similar to this, "B*tch, stop lyin'!"

    I would not have been surprised to see Harry just straight up call Snape a liar at the end of this film... maybe because we got no feeling of mystery about his alter-ego. Surely some minutes could have been used to show Hermione looking up the name and such and trying to piece this mystery together.

    And what the crap is up with the Weasley house getting torched?

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43 years old
June 5, 1981
The Crossroads

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