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  1. In Topic: A new new hope?

    Posted 11 Dec 2014

    There's nothing much to speculate about, other than the fact that, yes, a Star Wars Episode VII is confirmed, they did release a teaser trailer, and there's a black stormtrooper.

    I'm going to go watch it, because I think that, with George out of the way, it should actually be at least reasonably good. I just want it to feel like a Star Wars movie, that's all I ask.
  2. In Topic: A new hope. No, really

    Posted 4 Nov 2012

    Yeah I heard about that. I doesn't affect me since I did make a vow many years ago to stop being a Star Wars fan... and I haven't really watched any of the Star Wars movies since 2005 anyway.

    At any rate... this did take me by surprise since I never expected George Lucas to ever relinquish the reins over the Star Wars mythos over to another company. Though the fact that it's Disney makes for an interesting twist. Disney owns Marvel and they've done a pretty good job with the Avengers... so it's gonna be interesting to see what they're going to do with Star Wars. Hell, I heard they're gonna make a sequel trilogy starting in 2015, and if they're any good (since George Lucas won't have as tight a grip on the project as he did in the prequel trilogy) I might come back into the fold of liking Star Wars again.

    Another thing that I do wonder about is just what the story will be. I've read about what George Lucas envisioned Star Wars back in the late 70's, at a time when he didn't think he was going to make 6 or 9 movies, but 12. Some of those ideas were good, like showing Leia, Han, and Luke in their older years still being active, but at the same time, training a new generation of Jedi (which Lucas called 'the new New Hope', and thought of a scene in which Luke would become like the new Obi-Wan and pass the sword down to an apprentice or something). But I don't think this will be it. There is a massive amount of EU that's been created in the last 30 years and I don't think that any screenwriters will be wanting for any ideas or material. Hell, they can build a script or adventure based entirely on what they can find on wookieepedia and it'll probably be better than what George came up with for the prequels.
  3. In Topic: How C3PO was a wasted opportunity

    Posted 1 Sep 2011

    I just saw the trivia page for Star Wars: A New Hope on IMDB, and when I speculated that R2 might have been using rather foul language and possibly insulting the people around him, I was correct according to this tidbit.


    In early drafts of the script, R2-D2 could speak standard English, and had a rather foul vocabulary. Although all of Artoo's English speech was removed, many of C-3PO's reactions to it were left in. t0076759/trivia

    I'm guessing that a 'special edition' of Star Wars with R2's lines being subtitled with some smart-ass comments and quips is long overdue.
  4. In Topic: Annual Star Wars News Round Up

    Posted 29 May 2011

    The live action TV series got the axe? Oh well it might have been interesting how that turned out. I ceased to be a Star Wars fan in 2005, as I had said I would be after I saw the whole series in one big marathon to mark the end of what had been a childhood fascination (mostly in the realm of my imagination, since I never had any toys, comics, memorabilia or anything of the sort besides the movies, video games, and one Junior Jedi Knights novel).

    Also let's not forget that people can't stay mad at something forever and keep on ripping at it forever, no matter how bad it is. Eventually we all gotta move on to something else.
  5. In Topic: Darth Vader turns to robbing banks (not a joke)

    Posted 19 Aug 2010

    Isn't the studio's share obscenely large enough? I hate it when people are scammed out of their hard earned cash.

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