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User is offline Aug 25 2010 05:51 PM

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Topics I've Started

  1. Commander Cody

    Posted 18 Oct 2006

    I made an observation regarding Commander Cody. When Darth Sidious tells the clones to execute Order 66, they all reply with "It will be done my lord."

    However, Commander Cody replies with "Yes, sir".

    Cleary, he has exceeded his clone limitations.
  2. The High Ground

    Posted 26 May 2006

    I was watching part of ROTS again today, and in particular I took notice to the part where Obi-Wan and Anakin are fighting on the lava and Obi-Wan escapes Anakin's furious lightsaber assault by jumping off the platform onto the land. Obi-Wan then says "It's over, Anakin. I have the high ground." to which Anakin responds by doing a strange flip attack and well, we know the rest....

    I just couldn't help but think there were about two other things Anakin could have done to better resolve that situation.

    1. Anakin could have done a small leap onto the "lower ground" and resumed fighting.
    2. Anakin could have stood on the platform and let it carry him down the lava river, thereby allowing for an easy escape to his Jedi Starfighter. He could then have blown up Padme's ship and left to Coruscant to retrieve 4,816 clone troopers. Upon returning, they would obliterate Obi-Wan.

    It just sucks for him, to have participated in such a great fight and then lose by attempting a move that only Sidious and Agen Kolar would have been capable of performing.
  3. Mas Amedda

    Posted 23 Jan 2006

    Was Mas Amedda always aware that Palpatine was a Sith? If he wasn't, he must have found it strange that Palpatine blasted Yoda with lightning in his office. And why does he refer to Palpatine as "master"? There seems to be something about their relationship that we do not know.
  4. Count Dooku

    Posted 12 Jan 2006

    In AOTC, we see Dooku duel Obi-Wan, Anakin, and Yoda without breaking a sweat. After him and Yoda get into saber lock, Dooku uses the Force to make some large object fall and attempt to crush Anakin and Obi-Wan. As soon as he does this, Yoda puts his saber away and focuses on saving Obi-Wan. My question is, why doesn't Dooku just decapitate Yoda, and then leave?
  5. Storm's Comments on Chef's Reasons

    Posted 11 Jul 2005

    41. Corduroy Man
    Obi-Wan sort of holds a confusing conversation with the man and then leaves. As the man goes back to his people, they ask if Obi-Wan is bringing soldiers and Tion confesses that he has no idea what the hell just went on. This comforted me in knowing that I was not alone.

    Tion doesn't confess that he has no clue what just went on. What he is unsure of is whether or not Obi-Wan has an army or if he plans on taking on the whole droid army by himself. The latter choice would lead anybody to be slightly puzzled.

    42. Ridiculous Feathered Iguana Horse
    Yes, the sound the lizard makes is unnecessary. One or two yelps would have sufficed.

    43. Palpatine's Manipulation
    "Don' t you wonder why the Jedi Council won't make you a Master?" "They don't trust you." "I would doubt the Council's judgment if they didn't choose you for this mission."

    Palpatine has been Anakin's only consistent supporter since his arrival on Coruscant. I think when you are conflicted, you tend to listen to the people who encourage you the most.

    Palpatine actually says that he must kill all the Jedi in the temple and that only then will he be strong enough with the Force to save Padme.

    Dark side force powers grow from anger and hatred. Anakin isn't going to gain any power by sitting around and reading The Tragedies of the Last 20 Sith Lords. And besides, at this point, he has no choice. If he refuses to do what Sidious says, then Anakin would be labelled as a traitor to the Republic and would be massacred by clone troopers.

    44. The Death of General Grievous
    General Grievous held four lightsabers at once! I thought that was neat.
    {I have no comment on this one}

    45. The Shabbiest Jedi
    What Chef says is actually pretty funny. I liked the "owned" flashes. The whole scene is ridiculous, but hilarious. The funniest thing I find is that Mace Windu just watches and does nothing while his companions get slaughtered. The Jedi could learn a little trick from the clone troopers and attack one enemy all at once rather than standing around and waiting for their turn to fight.

    46. Palpatine's Silly Lightsaber Faces
    Yeah, I don't understand why this is necessary. I think it's attempting to show that Palpatine is trying to release his anger which would allow him to draw some force power. However, he ends up losing his lightsaber anyways so it was all for nothing. What a shame....

    47. "No! No! No!"
    Potentially the worst line in the movie. Originally it made me cringe, but after my 5th viewing of the movie I just laugh my ass off. In fact, I'm pretty much laughing through the entire Mace/Palpatine duel. I don't think the little kids and parents in the theatre appreciated my laughing, as this scene seemed to terrify the younger crowd.

    48. What's Anakin Thinking?
    Anakin is thinking inwards like a Sith in ROTS, as he saves Palpatine for his own personal interests (ie. keeping Padme alive). In ROTJ, Anakin is thinking outwards like a Jedi since he prioritizes keeping his son alive over himself.

    I also don't understand why Palpatine continues firing the lightning. Perhaps he is trying to piss Mace Windu off to the point where Mace will decide to kill him rather than arrest him. Evidentally Palpatine accomplished his goal.

    49. Palpatine's Whining
    Yep, he's playing Anakin all right. It's a good thing he built a strong relationship with Anakin.

    50. Force Lightning & Scarring
    I think simply allowing Palpatine to age would be a little bit far fetched. He is clearly disgusting in ROTJ. I used to hate looking at the Emperor in ROTJ when I was a child. He creeped me out.

    In all fairness, Chef chose the worst looking picture of Sidious possible. There were times in the movie where he looked extremely similar to the ROTJ Emperor. A couple of scenes that come to mind are immediately after Palpatine puts the cloak on and the later scenes between Anakin and Palpatine on Mustafar and in the Coruscant medical facility. I don't know what's wrong with his face while he is battling Yoda.

    Palpatine' s Voice after killing Windu
    I don't understand why it was necessary to make it sound like Palpatine was having some of the worst indigestion of his life.

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Level Boss
42 years old
April 22, 1982

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